Moduli:Citation/CS1/Suggestions: Dallime mes rishikimesh

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Rreshti 3:
suggestions = {
['ASIN-TLD'] = 'asin-tld', -- old parameter name
['abruf'] = 'access-date', -- German
['abruf-verborgen'] = 'access-date', -- German
Line 8 ⟶ 9:
['accesso'] = 'access-date', -- Italian
['accessyear'] = 'access-date',
['acessodata'] = 'access-date', -- Brazilian
['ad'] = 'first', -- Turkish
['address'] = 'location',
['année'] = 'date', -- French
['año'] = 'date', -- Spanish
['añooriginal'] = 'orig-date', -- Spanish
['año-original'] = 'orig-date', -- Spanish
['añoacceso'] = 'access-date', -- Spanish
['anno'] = 'date', -- Italian
['annoaccesso'] = 'access-date', -- Italian
['annodiaccesso'] = 'access-date', -- Italian
['annooriginale'] = 'orig-date', -- Italian
['année'] = 'date', -- French
['apellido'] = 'last', -- Spanish
['apellidos'] = 'last', -- Spanish
['archiv-datum'] = 'archive-date', -- German
['archive date'] = 'archive-date',
['archiv-url'] = 'archive-url', -- German
['archive date'] = 'archive-date',
['archive url'] = 'archive-url', -- Spanish
['artikelnr'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id=Article No. ...')
['artist'] = 'others',
['arşiv-tarihi'] = 'archive-date', -- Turkish
['arşiv-url'] = 'archive-url', -- Turkish
['arşivtarihi'] = 'archive-date', -- Turkish
['arşivurl'] = 'archive-url', -- Turkish
['auflage'] = 'edition', -- German
['auteur'] = 'author', -- French
['auther'] = 'author',
['author link'] = 'author-link', -- Polish
['authorfirst'] = 'author-first', -- old parameter name
['authorgiven'] = 'author-given', -- old parameter name
['authorlast'] = 'author-last', -- old parameter name
['author linkauthormask'] = 'author-linkmask', -- Polishold parameter name
['authorsurname'] = 'author-surname', -- old parameter name
['autor'] = 'author', -- Spanish, German (singular and plural)
['autore'] = 'author', -- Italian
['autthor'] = 'author',
['ay'] = 'month', -- Turkish
['año'] = 'date', -- Spanish
['año-original'] = 'orig-date', -- Spanish
['añoacceso'] = 'access-date', -- Spanish
['añooriginal'] = 'orig-date', -- Spanish
['band'] = 'volume', -- German
['bandreihe'] = 'volume', -- German
['baskı'] = 'edition', -- Turkish
['başlık'] = 'title', -- Turkish
['ch'] = 'language', -- German (as 'language=de-CH')
['chapter_title'] = 'chapter',
['cid'] = 'ref', -- Italian
['cilt'] = 'volume', -- Turkish
['cita'] = 'quote', -- Spanish
['citazione'] = 'quote', -- Italian
Line 53 ⟶ 65:
['curatore'] = 'publisher', -- Italian
['czasopismo'] = 'journal', -- Polish
['data dostępu'] = 'access-date', -- Polish
['data'] = 'date', -- Polish, Italian
['dataaccesso'] = 'access-date', -- Italian
['dataarchivio'] = 'archive-date', -- Italian
['data dostępu'] = 'access-date', -- Polish
['datum'] = 'date', -- German
['dead-url'] = 'url-status', -- old parameter name
['deadlink'] = 'url-status',
['deadurl'] = 'url-status', -- old parameter name
['dead-urldergi'] = 'url-statuswork', -- old parameter nameTurkish
['dil'] = 'language', -- Turkish
['displayauthors'] = 'display-authors', -- old parameter name
['displayeditors'] = 'display-editors', -- old parameter name
['distributor'] = 'publisher',
['displayeditors'] = 'display-editors', -- old parameter name
['dnb'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id={{DNB-IDN|...}}')
['doibroken'] = 'doi-broken-date', -- invalid name found in mainspace
['doi-broken'] = 'doi-broken-date', -- former parameter alias
['doi_brokendate'] = 'doi-broken-date',
['doiinactive'] = 'doi-broken-date', -- invalid name found in mainspace
['doi-inactive'] = 'doi-broken-date', -- invalid name found in mainspace
['doi-inactive-date'] = 'doi-broken-date', -- former parameter alias
['doi_inactivedatedoi_brokendate'] = 'doi-inactivebroken-date', -- former parameter alias
['doi_inactivedate'] = 'doi-inactive-date', -- former parameter alias
--['ed'] = 'edition', avoid suggestion as in English this could be short for editor or edition
['doibroken'] = 'doi-broken-date', -- invalid name found in mainspace
['éditeur'] = 'editor', -- French
['editondoiinactive'] = 'editiondoi-broken-date', -- misspellinginvalid name found in mainspace
['editoine-print'] = 'editioneprint', -- misspelling
-- ['ed'] = 'edition', avoid suggestion as in English this could be short for editor or edition
-- ['editora'] = 'publisher', -- can be either editor or publisher
-- ['editore'] = 'agency', -- can be either publisher or agency
-- ['editori'] = 'editor', -- can be either editor or publisher
-- ['editorial'] = 'publisher', -- can be either publisher or work
['editoin'] = 'edition', -- misspelling
['editon'] = 'edition', -- misspelling
['editorfirst'] = 'editor-first', -- old parameter name
['editorgiven'] = 'editor-given', -- old parameter name
['editorlast'] = 'editor-last', -- old parameter name
['editorlink'] = 'editor-link', -- old parameter name
['editormask'] = 'editor-mask', -- old parameter name
['editors'] = 'editor', -- old parameter name (can be emulated using multiple singular |editor= params)
['editorsurname'] = 'editor-surname', -- old parameter name
['edizione'] = 'edition', -- Italian
['embargo'] = 'pmc-embargo-date', -- former parameter name
['en ligne le'] = 'archive-date', -- French
['encyclopædia'] = 'encyclopedia',
['enlaceautor'] = 'author-link', -- Spanish
['enlaceroto'] = 'url-status', -- Spanish
['embargoerişimtarihi'] = 'pmc-embargoaccess-date', -- former parameter nameTurkish
['e-printeser'] = 'eprintwork', -- misspellingTurkish
['family'] = 'surname', -- misguess
['fecha'] = 'date', -- Spanish
Line 97 ⟶ 115:
['filetype'] = 'format',
['foramt'] = 'format', -- misspelling
['formato'] = 'format', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish
['forename'] = 'given', -- misguess
['fore-name'] = 'given', -- misguess/misspelling
['forename'] = 'given', -- misguess
['formato'] = 'format', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish
['frist'] = 'first', -- misspelling
['fundstelle'] = 'at', -- German
['gazete'] = 'work', -- Turkish
['giornale'] = 'journal', -- Italian
['herausgeber'] = 'editor', -- German (singular and plural)
Line 107 ⟶ 126:
['hrsgreihe'] = 'editor', -- German
['idioma'] = 'language', -- Spanish
['ignore-isbn-error'] = 'isbn', -- old parameter (can be fully emulated using ((syntax)))
['ignoreisbnerror'] = 'isbn', -- former parameter alias (suggest |isbn as |ignore-isbn-error is deprecated), not a direct replacement, but can be fully emulated using ((syntax))
['imię'] = 'first', -- Polish
Line 112 ⟶ 132:
['interviewerlink'] = 'interviewer-link', -- former parameter alias
['interviewermask'] = 'interviewer-mask', -- former parameter alias
['isbndefekt'] = 'ignore-isbn-error', -- German (suggest |isbn as |ignore-isbn-error is deprecated), not a direct replacement, but can be fully emulated using ((syntax))
['isbnformalfalsch'] = 'ignore-isbn-error', -- German (suggest |isbn as |ignore-isbn-error is deprecated), not a direct replacement, but can be fully emulated using ((syntax))
['isbnistformalfalsch'] = 'ignore-isbn-error', -- German (suggest |isbn as |ignore-isbn-error is deprecated), not a direct replacement, but can be fully emulated using ((syntax))
['isnb'] = 'isbn', -- misspelling
['issnformalfalsch'] = 'ignore-issn-error', -- German (can be fully emulated using ((syntax)))
['jahr'] = 'date', -- German
['jahrea'] = 'orig-date', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)
Line 122 ⟶ 142:
['langauge'] = 'language', -- misspelling
['langue'] = 'language', -- French
['laysummarylast-author-amp'] = 'layname-urllist-style', -- old parameter name (as |name-list-style=amp)
['lastauthoramp'] = 'name-list-style', -- old parameter name (as |name-list-style=amp)
['lay-summary'] = 'lay-url', -- old parameter
['laysummary'] = 'lay-url', -- old parameter
['lieu'] = 'location', -- French
['lingua'] = 'language', -- Italian
['lire en ligne'] = 'url', -- French
['loaction'] = 'location', -- misspelling
['local'] = 'location', -- Brazilian
['locatoin'] = 'location', -- misspelling
['lugar'] = 'location', -- Spanish
Line 145 ⟶ 168:
['news-paper'] = 'newspaper', -- misspelling
['no-cat'] = 'no-tracking', -- old parameter
['nocat'] = 'no-tracking', -- old parameter
['nom'] = 'last', -- French
['nombre'] = 'first', -- Spanish
['nome'] = 'first', -- Italian
['notracking'] = 'no-tracking', -- old parameter
['numero'] = 'number', -- Italian, Spanish
['nummer'] = 'number', -- German
['nummerreihe'] = 'number', -- German
['notracking'] = 'no-tracking', -- old parameter
['obra'] = 'work', -- Spanish
['odpowiedzialność'] = 'agency', -- Polish
Line 160 ⟶ 183:
['opublikowany'] = 'agency', -- Polish
['origdate'] = 'orig-date', -- misspelling
['orig_date'] = 'orig-date',
['originaljahr'] = 'orig-date', -- German
['originalort'] = 'publication-place', -- German
['originalsprache'] = 'language', -- German
['originaltitel'] = 'title', -- German (if 'originaltitel' is specified, any possible contents of 'title' should be put in 'trans-title')
['orig_year'] = 'orig-year',
['ort'] = 'publication-place', -- German
['ortea'] = 'publication-place', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)
Line 172 ⟶ 193:
['pagees'] = 'pages', -- misspelling
['pagina'] = 'page', -- Italian
['página'] = 'page', -- Spanish
['páginas'] = 'pages', -- Spanish
['pagine'] = 'pages', -- Italian
['passage'] = 'pages', -- French
['pagina'] = 'pages', -- Italian
['pagine'] = 'pages', -- Italian
['pagine'] = 'pages', -- Italian
['passage'] = 'pages', -- French
['periodico'] = 'magazine', -- Spanish
['périodique'] = 'publisher', -- French
['plublisher'] = 'publisher', -- misspelling
['pmcid'] = 'pmc',
['post-script'] = 'postscript', -- misspelling
['praca'] = 'work', -- Polish
['primero'] = 'first', -- Spanish
['prénom'] = 'first', -- French
['prénom1'] = 'first1', -- French
['primero'] = 'first', -- Spanish
['ps'] = 'postscript',
['pub'] = 'publisher',
-- ['pubblicazione'] = 'magazine', -- could be any kind of work
-- ['publicación'] = 'journal', -- could be any kind of work
-- ['published'] = 'publisher', -- could be date, location, or name of publisher
['pulbication-place'] = 'publication-place', -- misspelling
['página'] = 'page', -- Spanish
['páginas'] = 'pages', -- Spanish
['périodique'] = 'publisher', -- French
['registration'] = 'url-access', -- old parameter name (emulated as |url-access=registration)
['reihe'] = 'series', -- German
['retrieved'] = 'access-date',
Line 197 ⟶ 220:
['rok'] = 'date', -- Polish
['sammelwerk'] = 'work', -- German
['sayfa'] = 'page', -- Turkish
['sayfalar'] = 'pages', -- Turkish
['sayı'] = 'issue', -- Turkish
['script-post'] = 'postscript', -- misspelling
['script-trans'] = 'transcript', -- misspelling
['seria'] = 'series', -- Spanish, Polish
['serie'] = 'series', -- Italian
['série'] = 'series', -- French
['service'] = 'agency',
['site'] = 'website',
['sitioweb'] = 'website', -- Spanish
['sito'] = 'website', -- Italian
['soyadı'] = 'last', -- Turkish
['spalten'] = 'at', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)
['sprache'] = 'language', -- German
['stron'] = 'page', -- Polish
['strony'] = 'pages', -- Polish
['subjectlink'] = 'subject-link', -- old parameter name
['spalten'] = 'at', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)
['subscription'] = 'url-access', -- old parameter name (emulated as |url-access=subscription)
['sprache'] = 'language', -- German
['sur-name'] = 'surname', -- misspelling
['suscripción'] = 'url-access', -- Spanish, Polish (as |url-access=subscription)
['série'] = 'series', -- French
['tag'] = 'date', -- German
['template doc demotarih'] = 'no-trackingdate', -- old parameterTurkish
['template doc demo'] = 'no-tracking', -- former parameter alias
['tile'] = 'title', -- misspelling
['tipo'] = 'type', -- Italian
Line 220 ⟶ 249:
['titel-p'] = 'title', -- German ('postscript=none' should be added as well)
['titelerg'] = 'contribution', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)
['titled'] = 'title', -- Brazilian
['titolo'] = 'title', -- Italian
['titre'] = 'title', -- French
['títletrans-script'] = 'titletranscript', -- misspelling
['trans_chapter'] = 'trans-chapter', -- former parameter alias
['título'] = 'title', -- Spanish
['trans_title'] = 'trans-title', -- former parameter alias
['transchapter'] = 'trans-chapter',
['trans_chapter'] = 'trans-chapter',
['transscript'] = 'transcript', -- misspelling
['trans-script'] = 'transcript', -- misspelling
['transscript-format'] = 'transcript-format', -- misspelling
['transscript-url'] = 'transcript-url', -- misspelling
['transscripturl'] = 'transcript-url', -- misspelling
['transscript-url'] = 'transcript-url', -- misspelling
['trans_title'] = 'trans-title',
['transtitle'] = 'trans-title',
['typ'] = 'author-mask', -- German (not a direct replacement, but the only valid argument 'typ=wl' can be emulated using 'author-mask')
['tytuł'] = 'title', -- Polish
['títle'] = 'title',
['título'] = 'title', -- Spanish
['ubicación'] = 'location', -- Spanish
['urlarchivo'] = 'archive-url', -- Spanish
['urlarchivio'] = 'archive-url', -- Italian
['urlarchivo'] = 'archive-url', -- Spanish
['urlmorto'] = 'url-status', -- Italian
['urn'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id={{URN|...}}')
['übersetzer'] = 'translator', -- German (singular and plural)
['v-authors'] = 'vauthors', -- misspelling
['v-editors'] = 'veditors', -- misspelling
Line 253 ⟶ 282:
['wydanie'] = 'number', -- Polish
['wydawca'] = 'publisher', -- French
['yardımcıyazarlar'] = 'author', -- Turkish
['yayımcı'] = 'publisher', -- Turkish
['yayıncı'] = 'publisher', -- Turkish
['yazar'] = 'author', -- Turkish
['yazarbağı'] = 'author-link', -- Turkish
['yer'] = 'location', -- Turkish
['yıl'] = 'date', -- Turkish
['zaprezentowany'] = 'publisher', -- French
['zdb'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id={{ZDB|...}}')
['zitat'] = 'quote', -- German
['zugriff'] = 'access-date', -- German
['éditeur'] = 'editor', -- French
['ölüurl'] = 'url-status', -- Turkish
['übersetzer'] = 'translator', -- German (singular and plural)
Line 294 ⟶ 333:
['^authorlast(%d+)$'] = 'author-last$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^author(%d+)last$'] = 'author-last$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^authormask(%d+)$'] = 'author-mask$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^author(%d+)mask$'] = 'author-mask$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^authorsurname(%d+)$'] = 'author-surname$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^author(%d+)surname$'] = 'author-surname$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
Line 303 ⟶ 344:
['^editorlast(%d+)$'] = 'editor-last$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^editor(%d+)last$'] = 'editor-last$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^editorlink(%d+)$'] = 'editor-link$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^editor(%d+)link$'] = 'editor-link$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^editormask(%d+)$'] = 'editor-mask$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^editor(%d+)mask$'] = 'editor-mask$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^editorsurname(%d+)$'] = 'editor-surname$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^editor(%d+)surname$'] = 'editor-surname$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^enlaceautore(%d+)$'] = 'author-link$1', -- Spanish, enumerated
['^first (%d+)$'] = 'first$1', -- enumerated
['^last (%d+)$'] = 'last$1', -- enumerated
Line 314 ⟶ 357:
['^primero(%d+)$'] = 'first$1', -- Spanish, enumerated
['^pu[blish]+ers?$'] = 'publisher', -- misspelling
['^wkautoresubjectlink(%d+)$'] = 'authorsubject-link$1', -- Italianold parameter name, enumerated
['^subject(%d+)link$'] = 'subject-link$1', -- old parameter name, enumerated
['^wkautore(%d+)$'] = 'author-link$1', -- Italian, enumerated