Moduli:Citation/CS1: Dallime mes rishikimesh

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Rreshti 600:
--[[--------------------------< W I K I S O U R C E _ U R L _ M A K E >----------------------------------------
Makes a Wikisource URL from Wikisource interwiki-link. Returns the URL and appropriate
label; nil else.
str is the value assigned to |chapter= (or aliases) or |title= or |title-link=
Line 643 ⟶ 644:
if ws_url then
ws_url = mw.uri.encode (ws_url, 'WIKI'); -- make a usable URL
ws_url = ws_url:gsub ('%%23', '#'); -- undo percent -encoding of fragment marker
Line 653 ⟶ 654:
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ P E R I O D I C A L >--------------------------------------------
Format the three periodical parameters: |script-<periodical>=, |<periodical>=,
and |trans-<periodical>= into a single Periodical meta-parameter.
Line 685 ⟶ 686:
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ C H A P T E R _ T I T L E >--------------------------------------
Format the four chapter parameters: |script-chapter=, |chapter=, |trans-chapter=,
and |chapter-url= into a single chapter meta- parameter (chapter_url_source used
parameter (chapter_url_source used for error messages).
Line 697 ⟶ 699:
local ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (chapter); -- make a wikisource URL and label from a wikisource interwiki link
if ws_url then
ws_label = ws_label:gsub ('_', ' '); -- replace underscore separatersseparators with space characters
chapter = ws_label;
Line 734 ⟶ 736:
--[[--------------------------< H A S _ I N V I S I B L E _ C H A R S >----------------------------------------
This function searches a parameter's value for non-printable or invisible characters.
The search stops at the first match.
first match.
This function will detect the visible replacement character when it is part of the Wikisource.
Detects but ignores nowiki and math stripmarkers. Also detects other named stripmarkers (gallery, math, pre, ref)
(gallery, math, pre, ref) and identifies them with a slightly different error message.
See also coins_cleanup().
Output of this function is an error message that identifies the character or the Unicode group, or the stripmarker
Unicode group, or the stripmarker that was detected along with its position (or,
for multi-byte characters, the position of its first byte) in the parameter value.
parameter value.
Line 791 ⟶ 794:
i = i + 1; -- bump our index
--[[--------------------------< A R G U M E N T _ W R A P P E R >----------------------------------------------
Argument wrapper. This function provides support for argument mapping defined in the configuration file so that
in the configuration file so that multiple names can be transparently aliased to
single internal variable.
Line 808 ⟶ 812:
return setmetatable({
ORIGIN = function ( self, k )
local dummy = self[k]; -- force the variable to be loaded.
return origin[k];
Line 846 ⟶ 850:
--[[--------------------------< N O W R A P _ D A T E >--------------------------------------------------------
When date is YYYY-MM-DD format wrap in nowrap span: <span ...>YYYY-MM-DD</span>.
When date is DD MMMM YYYY or is MMMM DD, YYYY then wrap in nowrap span:
MMMM DD, YYYY then wrap in nowrap span: <span ...>DD MMMM</span> YYYY or <span ...>MMMM DD,</span> YYYY
DOES NOT yet support MMMM YYYY or any of the date ranges.
Line 871 ⟶ 876:
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ T I T L E T Y P E >----------------------------------------------------
This function sets default title types (equivalent to the citation including
|type=<default value>) for those templates that have defaults. Also handles the
Also handles the special case where it is desirable to omit the title type from the rendered citation
Line 892 ⟶ 899:
--[[--------------------------< H Y P H E N _ T O _ D A S H >--------------------------------------------------
Converts a hyphen to a dash under certain conditions. The hyphen must separate like items; unlike items are
like items; unlike items are returned unmodified. These forms are modified:
letter - letter (A - B)
digit - digit (4-5)
digit separator digit - digit separator digit (4.1-4.5 or 4-1-4-5)
letterdigit - letterdigit (A1-A5) (an optional separator between letter and
digit is supported – a.1-a.5 or a-1-a-5)
digitletter - digitletter (5a - 5d) (an optional separator between letter and
digit is supported – 5.a-5.d or 5-a-5-d)
any other forms are returned unmodified.
Line 911 ⟶ 920:
local accept; -- Boolean
str, accept = utilities.has_accept_as_written (str); -- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of str
if accept then
return str; -- when markup removed, nothing to do, we're done
str = str:gsub ('&[nm]dash;', {['&ndash;'] = '–', ['&mdash;'] = '—'}); -- replace &mdash; and &ndash; entities with their characters; semicolon mucks up the text.split
str = str:gsub ('&#45;', '-'); -- replace HTML numeric entity with hyphen character
str = str:gsub ('&nbsp;[^%-]%-%-%-[^%-]', ' '); -- replace &nbsp; entitytriple-hyphen with generic keyboard space characteremdash
str = str:gsub ('[^%-]%-%-[^%-]', '–'); -- replace double-hyphen (as found in BibTeX entries) with endash
str = str:gsub ('&nbsp;', ' '); -- replace &nbsp; entity with generic keyboard space character
local out = {};
Line 925 ⟶ 933:
for _, item in ipairs (list) do -- for each item in the list
str item, accept = utilities.has_accept_as_written (stritem); -- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of stritem
if not accept and mw.ustring.match (item, '^%w*[%.%-]?%w+%s*[%-–—]%s*%w*[%.%-]?%w+$') then -- if a hyphenated range or has endash or emdash separators
if item:match ('^%a+[%.%-]?%d+%s*%-%s*%a+[%.%-]?%d+$') or -- letterdigit hyphen letterdigit (optional separator between letter and digit)
item:match ('^%d+[%.%-]?%a+%s*%-%s*%d+[%.%-]?%a+$') or -- digitletter hyphen digitletter (optional separator between digit and letter)
Line 936 ⟶ 945:
item = utilities.has_accept_as_written (item); -- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of str
table.insert (out, item); -- add the (possibly modified) item to the output table
return table.concat (out, ', local temp_str = ')'; -- concatenate the output table into a comma separated string
item temp_str, accept = utilities.has_accept_as_written (itemtable.concat (out, ', ')); -- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of strconcatenated out
if accept then
return utilities.has_accept_as_written (str); -- when global markup removed, return original str
return temp_str; -- else, return assembled temp_str
--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ J O I N >------------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ J O I N >------------------------------------------------------------
Joins a sequence of strings together while checking for duplicate separation characters.
Line 1.021 ⟶ 1.034:
str = str .. value; -- add it to the output string
Line 1.028 ⟶ 1.041:
--[[--------------------------< I S _ S U F F I X >------------------------------------------------------------
returns true is suffix is properly formed Jr, Sr, or ordinal in the range 1–9.
Puncutation not allowed.
Line 1.042 ⟶ 1.056:
--[[--------------------------< I S _ G O O D _ V A N C _ N A M E >--------------------------------------------
For Vancouver style, author/editor names are supposed to be rendered in Latin
(read ASCII) characters. When a name uses characters that contain diacritical marks,
uses characters that contain diacritical marks, those characters are to converted to the corresponding Latin character. When a name
When a name is written using a non-Latin alphabet or logogram, that name is to be transliterated into Latin characters.
into Latin characters. The module doesn't do this so editors may/must.
These things are not currently possible in this module so are left to the editor to do.
This test allows |first= and |last= names to contain any of the letters defined
in the four Unicode Latin character sets
[ C0 Controls and Basic Latin] 0041–005A, 0061–007A
[ C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement] 00C0–00D6, 00D8–00F6, 00F8–00FF
Line 1.055 ⟶ 1.071:
[ Latin Extended-B] 0180–01BF, 01C4–024F
|lastn= also allowed to contain hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes.
|firstn= also allowed to contain hyphens, spaces, apostrophes, and periods
This original test:
if nil == mw.ustring.find (last, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%']*$")
or nil == mw.ustring.find (first, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%'%.]+[2-6%a]*$") then
was written outside of the code editor and pasted here because the code editor
gets confused between character insertion point and cursor position. The test has
The test has been rewritten to use decimal character escape sequence for the individual bytes
of the Unicode characters so that it is not necessary to use an external editor
to use an external editor to maintain this code.
\195\128-\195\150 – À-Ö (U+00C0–U+00D6 – C0 controls)
Line 1.097 ⟶ 1.117:
Attempts to convert names to initials in support of |name-list-style=vanc.
Names in |firstn= may be separated by spaces or hyphens, or for initials, a period.
Vancouver style requires family rank designations (Jr, II, III, etc.) to be rendered
as Jr, 2nd, 3rd, etc. See
This code only accepts and understands generational suffix in the Vancouver format
because Roman numerals look like, and can be mistaken for, initials.
This function uses ustring functions because firstname initials may be any of the
Unicode Latin characters accepted by is_good_vanc_name ().
Line 1.144 ⟶ 1.168:
table.insert (initials, mw.ustring.sub(names[i], 1, 1)); -- insert the initial at end of initials table
i = i + 1; -- bump the counter
Line 1.151 ⟶ 1.175:
--[[--------------------------< L I S T _ P E O P L E >-------------------------------------------------------
Formats a list of people (e.g. authors, contributors, editors, interviewers, translators)
names in the list will be linked when
|<name>-link= has a value
|<name>-mask- does NOT have a value; masked names are presumed to have been
rendered previously so should have been linked there
when |<name>-mask=0, the associated name is not rendered
Line 1.168 ⟶ 1.193:
local format = control.format;
local maximum = control.maximum;
local lastauthoramp = control.lastauthoramp; -- TODO: delete after deprecation
local name_list = {};
Line 1.174 ⟶ 1.198:
sep = cfg.presentation['sep_nl_vanc']; -- name-list separator between names is a comma
namesep = cfg.presentation['sep_name_vanc']; -- last/first separator is a space
lastauthoramp = nil; -- TODO: delete after deprecation -- unset because isn't used by Vancouver style
sep = cfg.presentation['sep_nl']; -- name-list separator between names is a semicolon
Line 1.197 ⟶ 1.220:
local n = tonumber (mask); -- convert to a number if it can be converted; nil else
if n then
one = 0 ~= n and string.rep("&mdash;", n) or nil; -- make a string of (n > 0) mdashes, nil else, to replace name = nil; -- don't create link to name if name is replaces with mdash string or has been set nil
Line 1.229 ⟶ 1.252:
if 0 < count then
if 1 < count and not etal then
if 'amp' == format or utilities.is_set (lastauthoramp) then -- TODO: delete lastauthoramp after deprecation
name_list[#name_list-2] = " & "; -- replace last separator with ampersand text
elseif 'and' == format then
Line 1.251 ⟶ 1.274:
--[[--------------------------< A N C H O R _ I D >------------------------------------------------------------
Generates a CITEREF anchor ID if we have at least one name or a date. Otherwise
returns an empty string.
namelist is one of the contributor-, author-, or editor-name lists chosen in that
order. year is Year or anchor_year.
Line 1.275 ⟶ 1.300:
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ E T A L >----------------------------------------------------
Evaluates the content of name parameters (author, editor, etc.) for variations on the theme of et al. If found,
the theme of et al. If found, the et al. is removed, a flag is set to true and
the function returns the modified name and the flag.
This function never sets the flag to false but returns it'sits previous state because it may have been set by
it may have been set by previous passes through this function or by the associated
|display-<names>=etal parameter
Line 1.288 ⟶ 1.315:
if utilities.is_set (name) then -- name can be nil in which case just return
local patterns = cfg.et_al_patterns; -- get patterns from configuration
for _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do -- loop through all of the patterns
Line 1.305 ⟶ 1.332:
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ I S _ N U M E R I C >------------------------------------------------
Add maint cat when name parameter value does not contain letters. Does not catch mixed alphanumeric names so
mixed alphanumeric names so |last=A. Green (1922-1987) does not get caught in the
current version of this test but |first=(1888) is caught.
returns nothing
Line 1.323 ⟶ 1.351:
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ E D _ M A R K U P >------------------------------------------
Evaluates the content of author and editor parameters for extraneous editor annotations: ed, ed., eds, (Ed.), etc.
ed, ed., eds, (Ed.), etc. These annotationannotations do not belong in author parameters and
are redundant in editor parameters. If found, the function adds the editor markup
adds the editor markup maintenance category.
returns nothing
Line 1.347 ⟶ 1.376:
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ M U L T _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------
Evaluates the content of last/surname (authors etc.) parameters for multiple names. Multiple names are indicated
Multiple names are indicated if there is more than one comma or any semicolons. If found, the function adds the multiple name maintenance category."unescaped"
semicolons. Escaped semicolons are ones used as part of selected HTML entities.
If the condition is met, the function adds the multiple name maintenance category.
returns nothing
Line 1.357 ⟶ 1.388:
local function name_has_mult_names (name, list_name)
local _, commas, semicolons, nbsps;
if utilities.is_set (name) then
_, commas = name:gsub (',', ''); -- count the number of commas
_, semicolons = name:gsub (';', ''); -- count the number of semicolons
-- nbsps probably should be its own separate count rather than merged in
-- some way with semicolons because Lua patterns do not support the
-- grouping operator that regex does, which means there is no way to add
-- more entities to escape except by adding more counts with the new
-- entities
_, nbsps = name:gsub ('&nbsp;',''); -- count nbsps
-- There is exactly 1 semicolon per &nbsp; entity, so subtract nbsps
if 1 < commas or 0 < semicolons then
-- from semicolons to 'escape' them. If additional entities are added,
-- they also can be subtracted.
if 1 < commas or 0 < (semicolons - nbsps) then
utilities.set_message ('maint_mult_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]); -- add a maint message
Line 1.369 ⟶ 1.409:
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ C H E C K S >--------------------------------------------------------
This function calls various name checking functions used to validate the content
of the various name-holding parameters.
Line 1.385 ⟶ 1.425:
name_has_mult_names (last, list_name); -- check for multiple names in the parameter (last only)
name_has_ed_markup (last, list_name); -- check for extraneous 'editor' annotation
name_is_numeric (last, list_name); -- check for names that are compsedcomposed of digits and punctuation
Line 1.394 ⟶ 1.434:
if not accept_name then -- <first> not wrapped in accept-as-written markup
name_has_ed_markup (first, list_name); -- check for extraneous 'editor' annotation
name_is_numeric (first, list_name); -- check for names that are compsedcomposed of digits and punctuation
Line 1.402 ⟶ 1.442:
--[[--------------------------< E X T R A C T _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------------------
Gets name list from the input arguments
Searches through args in sequential order to find |lastn= and |firstn= parameters
(or their aliases), and their matching link and mask parameters. Stops searching
Stops searching when both |lastn= and |firstn= are not found in args after two sequential attempts:
found |last1=, |last2=, and |last3= but doesn't find |last4= and |last5= then the
find |last4= and |last5= then the search is done.
This function emits an error message when there is a |firstn= without a matching
|lastn=. When there are 'holes' in the list of last names, |last1= and |last3=
are present but |last2= is missing, an error message is emitted. |lastn= is not
required to have a matching |firstn=.
When an author or editor parameter contains some form of 'et al.', the 'et al.'
is stripped from the parameter and a flag (etal) returned that will cause list_people()
that will cause list_people() to add the static 'et al.' text from Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration. This keeps 'et al.' out of the
'et al.' out of the template's metadata. When this occurs, thean pageerror is added to a maintenance categoryemitted.
Line 1.476 ⟶ 1.521:
Validates language names provided in |language= parameter if not an ISO639-1 or 639-2 code.
Returns the language name and associated two- or three-character code. Because
case of the source may be incorrect or different from the case that WikiMedia uses,
or different from the case that WikiMedia uses, the name comparisons are done in lower case and when a match is found, the Wikimedia
found, the Wikimedia version (assumed to be correct) is returned along with the code. When there is no match, we
match, we return the original language name string.
mw.language.fetchLanguageNames(<local wiki language>, 'all') returns a list of
languages that in some cases may include extensions. For example, code 'cbk-zam'
extensions. For example, code 'cbk-zam' and its associated name 'Chavacano de Zamboanga' (MediaWiki does not support
code 'cbk' or name 'Chavacano'. Most (all?) of these languages are not used a 'language' codes per se, rather they
'language' codes per se, rather they are used as sub-domain names:
A list of language names and codes supported by fetchLanguageNames() can be found
can be found at Template:Citation Style documentation/language/doc
Names that are included in the list will be found if that name is provided in the
|language= parameter. For example, if |language=Chavacano de Zamboanga, that name
if |language=Chavacano de Zamboanga, that name will be found with the associated code 'cbk-zam'. When names are found and the
and the associated code is not two or three characters, this function returns only the
WikiMedia language name.
Some language names have multiple entries under different codes:
Line 1.523 ⟶ 1.573:
--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ P A R A M E T E R >------------------------------------------
Gets language name from a provided two- or three-character ISO 639 code. If a code is recognized by MediaWiki,
is recognized by MediaWiki, use the returned name; if not, then use the value that
was provided with the language parameter.
When |language= contains a recognized language (either code or name), the page is assigned to the category for
assigned to the category for that code: Category:Norwegian-language sources (no).
For valid three-character code languages, the page is assigned to the single category
to the single category for '639-2' codes: Category:CS1 ISO 639-2 language sources.
Languages that are the same as the local wiki are not categorized. MediaWiki does not recognize three-character
not recognize three-character equivalents of two-character codes: code 'ar' is
recognized but code 'ara' is not.
This function supports multiple languages in the form |language=nb, French, th
where the language names or codes are separated from each other by commas with
separated from each other by commas with optional space characters.
Line 1.602 ⟶ 1.656:
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ C S 1 _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------
Set style settings for CS1 citation templates. Returns separator and postscript settings
Line 1.619 ⟶ 1.673:
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ C S 2 _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------
Set style settings for CS2 citation templates. Returns separator, postscript, ref settings
Line 1.639 ⟶ 1.693:
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ S E T T I N G S _ F R O M _ C I T E _ C L A S S >----------------------
When |mode= is not set or when its value is invalid, use config.CitationClass and
parameter values to establish rendered style.
rendered style.
Line 1.660 ⟶ 1.714:
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ S T Y L E >------------------------------------------------------------
Establish basic style settings to be used when rendering the citation. Uses |mode= if set and valid or uses
if set and valid or uses config.CitationClass from the template's #invoke: to establish style.
Line 1.683 ⟶ 1.737:
--[=[-------------------------< I S _ P D F >------------------------------------------------------------------
Determines if a URL has the file extension that is one of the PDF file extensions
used by [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] when applying the PDF icon to external links.
applying the PDF icon to external links.
returns true if file extension is one of the recognized extensions, else false
Line 1.699 ⟶ 1.753:
--[[--------------------------< S T Y L E _ F O R M A T >------------------------------------------------------
Applies CSS style to |format=, |chapter-format=, etc. Also emits an error message if the format parameter does
if the format parameter does not have a matching URL parameter. If the format parameter
is not set and the URL contains a file extension that is recognized as a PDF document
is recognized as a PDF document by MediaWiki's commons.css, this code will set the format parameter to (PDF) with
the appropriate styling.
Line 1.723 ⟶ 1.778:
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ D I S P L A Y _ N A M E S >--------------------------------------------
Returns a number that defines the number of names displayed for author and editor name lists and a Boolean flag
name lists and a Boolean flag to indicate when et al. should be appended to the name list.
When the value assigned to |display-xxxxors= is a number greater than or equal to zero, return the number and
return the number and the previous state of the 'etal' flag (false by default
but may have been set to true if the name list contains some variant of the text 'et al.').
some variant of the text 'et al.').
When the value assigned to |display-xxxxors= is the keyword 'etal', return a number that is one greater than the
that is one greater than the number of authors in the list and set the 'etal' flag true. This will cause the list_people() to display all of
This will cause the list_people() to display all of the names in the name list followed by 'et al.'
In all other cases, returns nil and the previous state of the 'etal' flag.
Line 1.767 ⟶ 1.822:
--[[--------------------------< E X T R A _ T E X T _ I N _ P A G E _ C H E C K >------------------------------
Adds page to Category:CS1 maint: extra texterror if |page=, or|pages=, |quote-page=, |quote-pages= has what appears to be some form of p. or pp.
some form of p. or pp. abbreviation in the first characters of the parameter content.
check Page and Pagespage for extraneous p, p., pp, and pp., pg, pg. at start of parameter value:
good pattern: '^P[^%.P%l]' matches when |page(s)= begins PX or P# but not Px
where x and X are letters and # is a dgiitdigit
bad pattern: '^[Pp][PpPpGg]' matches matches when |page(s)= begins pp or, pP or, Pp, orPP, PPpg, pG, Pg, PG
local function extra_text_in_page_check (page)
local good_pattern = '^P[^%.PpPpGg]'; -- okOK to begin with uppercase P: P7 (pgpage 7 of section P), but not p123 (page 123) TODO: add Gg for PG or Pg?
local bad_pattern = '^[Pp]?[PpPpGg]?%.?[ %d]';
if not page:match (good_pattern) and (page:match (bad_pattern) or page:match ('^[Pp]ages?') or page:match ('^[Pp]gs.?')) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { utilities.set_message ( 'maint_extra_texterr_extra_text_pages')}); -- add maint cat;error
Line 1.800 ⟶ 1.856:
local function get_v_name_table (vparam, output_table, output_link_table)
local name_table = mw.text.split(vparam, "%s*,%s*"); -- names are separated by commas
local wl_type, label, link; -- wl_type not used here; just a place holderplaceholder
local i = 1;
Line 1.922 ⟶ 1.978:
Select one of |authors=, |authorn= / |lastn / firstn=, or |vauthors= as the source of the author name list or
select one of |editors=, |editorn= / editor-lastn= / |editor-firstn= or |veditors= as the source of the editor name list.
Only one of these appropriate three will be used. The hierarchy is: |authorn= (and aliases) highest and |authors= lowest and;
similarly, |editorn= (and aliases) highest and |editorsveditors= lowest (support for |editors= withdrawn)
When looking for |authorn= / |editorn= parameters, test |xxxxor1= and |xxxxor2= (and all of their aliases); stops after the second
Line 1.933 ⟶ 1.989:
Emits an error message when more than one xxxxor name source is provided.
In this function, vxxxxors = vauthors or veditors; xxxxors = authors or editors as appropriate.
Line 2.022 ⟶ 2.078:
if 'magazine' == cite_class or (utilities.in_array (cite_class, {'citation', 'map'}) and 'magazine' == origin) then
if utilities.is_set (volume) and utilities.is_set (issue) then
return wrap_msg ('vol-no', {sepc, hyphen_to_dash (volume), issue}, lower);
elseif utilities.is_set (volume) then
return wrap_msg ('vol', {sepc, hyphen_to_dash (volume)}, lower);
return wrap_msg ('issue', {sepc, issue}, lower);
Line 2.038 ⟶ 2.094:
if utilities.is_set (volume) then
if volume:match ('^[MDCLXVI]+$') or volume:match ('^%d+$') then -- volume value is all digits or all uppercase Roman numerals
vol = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['vol-bold'], {sepc, hyphen_to_dash(volume)}); -- render in bold face
elseif (4 < mw.ustring.len(volume)) then -- not all digits or Roman numerals and longer than 4 characters
vol = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['j-vol'], {sepc, hyphen_to_dash (volume)}); -- not bold
utilities.add_prop_cat ('long_vol');
else -- four or less characters
vol = utilities.substitute (cfg.presentation['vol-bold'], {sepc, hyphen_to_dash (volume)}); -- bold
Line 2.111 ⟶ 2.167:
If any of these are interwiki links to Wikisource, returns the label portion of the interwiki-link as plain text
for use in COinS. This COinS thing is done because here we convert an interwiki-link to andan external link and
add an icon span around that; get_coins_pages() doesn't know about the span. TODO: should it?
Line 2.129 ⟶ 2.185:
at = '';
extra_text_in_page_check (page); -- add this page to maint cat if |page= value begins with what looks like p. or, pp., etc.
ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (page); -- make ws URL from |page= interwiki link; link portion L becomes tooltip label
Line 2.141 ⟶ 2.197:
at = ''; -- unset
extra_text_in_page_check (pages); -- add this page to maint cat if |pages= value begins with what looks like p. or, pp., etc.
ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (pages); -- make ws URL from |pages= interwiki link; link portion L becomes tooltip label
Line 2.272 ⟶ 2.328:
local function is_generic_title (title)
title = mw.ustring.lower(title); -- switch title to lower case
for _, generic_title in ipairs (cfg.special_case_translation['generic_titles']) do -- spin through the list of known generic title fragments
if title:find (generic_title['en'][1], 1, generic_title['en'][2]) then
return true; -- found English generic title so done
Line 2.286 ⟶ 2.342:
--[[--------------------------< I S _ A R C H I V E D _ C O P Y >----------------------------------------------
compares |title= to 'Archived copy' (place holderplaceholder added by bots that can't find proper title); if matches, return true; nil else
Line 2.353 ⟶ 2.409:
do -- to limit scope of selected
local selected = select_author_editor_source (A['Veditors'], A['Editors']nil, args, 'EditorList'); -- support for |editors= withdrawn
if 1 == selected then
e, editor_etal = extract_names (args, 'EditorList'); -- fetch editor list from |editorn= / |editor-lastn= / |editor-firstn=, |editor-linkn=, and |editor-maskn=
elseif 2 == selected then
NameListStyle = 'vanc'; -- override whatever |name-list-style= might be
e, editor_etal = parse_vauthors_veditors (args, args.veditors, 'EditorList'); -- fetch editor list from |veditors=, |editor-linkn=, and |editor-maskn=
elseif 3 == selected then
Editors = A['Editors']; -- use content of |editors=
Line 2.544 ⟶ 2.598:
At = A['At'];
local QuotePage = A['QuotePage'];
local QuotePages = hyphen_to_dash (A['QuotePages']);
local Edition = A['Edition'];
Line 2.605 ⟶ 2.661:
local ID = A['ID'];
local IgnoreISBN = is_valid_parameter_value (A['IgnoreISBN'], A:ORIGIN('IgnoreISBN'), cfg.keywords_lists['yes_true_y'], nil);
local Embargo = A['Embargo'];
local Class = A['Class']; -- arxiv class identifier
local Quote = A['Quote'];
local QuotePage = A['QuotePage'];
local QuotePages = A['QuotePages'];
local ScriptQuote = A['ScriptQuote'];
local TransQuote = A['TransQuote'];
local LayFormat = A['LayFormat'];
local LayURL = A['LayURL'];
Line 2.623 ⟶ 2.675:
local TranscriptURL_origin = A:ORIGIN('TranscriptURL'); -- get name of parameter that holds TranscriptURL
local LastAuthorAmpno_tracking_cats = is_valid_parameter_value (A['LastAuthorAmpNoTracking'], A:ORIGIN('LastAuthorAmpNoTracking'), cfg.keywords_lists['yes_true_y'], nil);
-- local variables that are not cs1 parameters
local no_tracking_cats = is_valid_parameter_value (A['NoTracking'], A:ORIGIN('NoTracking'), cfg.keywords_lists['yes_true_y'], nil);
if 'nocat' == A:ORIGIN('NoTracking') then
utilities.set_message ('maint_nocat'); -- this one so that we get the message; see main categorization at end of citation0()
--local variables that are not cs1 parameters
local use_lowercase; -- controls capitalization of certain static text
local this_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); -- also used for COinS and for language
Line 2.975 ⟶ 3.022:
end -- end of do
local ID_list = {}; -- sequence table of rendered identifiers
local ID_list_coins = identifiers.extract_ids (args){}; -- getstable of identifiers and their values from args; thiskey listis usedsame foras COinS and source forcfg.id_handlers's build_id_list()key
if utilities.is_set (DoiBroken) and not ID_list_coins['DOI'] then
local ID_list, ID_list_coins = identifiers.build_id_listidentifier_lists_get (ID_list_coinsargs, {IdAccessLevels = ID_access_levels, DoiBroken = DoiBroken, ASINTLD = ASINTLD, IgnoreISBN = IgnoreISBN, Embargo = Embargo, Class = Class}); -- render identifiers
table.insert (z.message_tail, {utilities.set_message ('err_doibroken_missing_doi', A:ORIGIN('DoiBroken'))});
if utilities.is_set (DoiBroken) and not ID_list_coins['DOI'] then
local ID_access_levels = identifiers.extract_id_access_levels (args, ID_list_coins);
table.insert (z.message_tail, {utilities.set_message ('err_doibroken_missing_doi', A:ORIGIN('DoiBroken'))});
local ID_list = identifiers.build_id_list (ID_list_coins, {IdAccessLevels = ID_access_levels, DoiBroken = DoiBroken, ASINTLD = ASINTLD, IgnoreISBN = IgnoreISBN, Embargo = Embargo, Class = Class}); -- render identifiers
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, {{cite biorxiv}}, {{cite citeseerx}}, {{cite ssrn}}, before generation of COinS data.
if utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, whitelist.preprint_template_list) then
Line 3.028 ⟶ 3.076:
check_for_url ({ -- add error message when any of these parameters hold a URL
['title'] = Title,
[A:ORIGIN('Chapter')] = Chapter,
[Periodical_origin] = Periodical,
[PublisherName_origin] = PublisherName
Line 3.067 ⟶ 3.115:
['Volume'] = Volume,
['Issue'] = Issue,
['Pages'] = coins_pages or metadata.get_coins_pages (first_set ({Sheet, Sheets, Page, Pages, At, QuotePage, QuotePages}, 57)), -- pages stripped of external links
['Edition'] = Edition,
['PublisherName'] = PublisherName or Newsgroup, -- any apostrophe markup already removed from PublisherName
Line 3.093 ⟶ 3.141:
local last_first_list;
local control = {
format = NameListStyle, -- empty string or 'vanc'
maximum = nil, -- as if display-authors or display-editors not set
lastauthoramp = LastAuthorAmp,
mode = Mode
Line 3.101 ⟶ 3.148:
do -- do editor name list first because the now unsupported coauthors used to modify control table
control.maximum , editor_etal = get_display_names (A['DisplayEditors'], #e, 'editors', editor_etal);
last_first_listEditors, EditorCount = list_people (control, e, editor_etal);
if utilities.is_set (Editors) then
Editors, editor_etal = name_has_etal (Editors, editor_etal, false, 'editors'); -- find and remove variations on et al.
if editor_etal then
Editors = Editors .. ' ' .. cfg.messages['et al']; -- add et al. to editors parameter beause |display-editors=etal
EditorCount = 2; -- we don't know but assume |editors= is multiple names; spoof to display (eds.) annotation
Editors = last_first_list; -- either an author name list or an empty string
if 1 == EditorCount and (true == editor_etal or 1 < #e) then -- only one editor displayed but includes etal then
Line 3.309 ⟶ 3.346:
TitleLink = ''; -- unset
if not utilities.is_set (TitleLink) and utilities.is_set (URL) then
Title = external_link (URL, Title, URL_origin, UrlAccess) .. TransTitle .. TransError .. Format;
Line 3.326 ⟶ 3.363:
local ws_url, ws_label, L; -- Title has italic or quote markup by the time we get here which causes is_wikilink() to return 0 (not a wikilink)
ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (Title:gsub('^[\'"]*(.-)[\'"]*$', '%1')); -- make ws URL from |title= interwiki link (strip italic or quote markup); link portion L becomes tooltip label
if ws_url then
Title = Title:gsub ('%b[]', ws_label); -- replace interwiki link with ws_label to retain markup
Line 3.419 ⟶ 3.456:
TitleNote = utilities.is_set (TitleNote) and (sepc .. " " .. TitleNote) or "";
if utilities.is_set (Edition) then
if Edition:match ('%f[%a][Ee]d%n?%.?$') or Edition:match ('%f[%a][Ee]dition$') then -- Ed, ed, Ed., ed., Edn, edn, Edn., edn.
table.insert( z.message_tail, { utilities.set_message ('maint_extra_text', 'editionerr_extra_text_edition')}); -- add maint caterror
Edition = " " .. wrap_msg ('edition', Edition);
Line 3.478 ⟶ 3.515:
-- if not utilities.in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_not_using_page)
if utilities.is_set (QuotePage) or utilities.is_set (QuotePages) then -- add page prefix
local quote_prefix = '';
if utilities.is_set (QuotePage) then
extra_text_in_page_check (QuotePage); -- add to maint cat if |quote-page= value begins with what looks like p., pp., etc.
if not NoPP then
quote_prefix = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['p-prefix'], {sepc, QuotePage}), '', '', '';
Line 3.487 ⟶ 3.526:
elseif utilities.is_set (QuotePages) then
extra_text_in_page_check (QuotePages); -- add to maint cat if |quote-pages= value begins with what looks like p., pp., etc.
if tonumber(QuotePages) ~= nil and not NoPP then -- if only digits, assume single page
quote_prefix = utilities.substitute (cfg.messages['p-prefix'], {sepc, QuotePages}), '', '';
Line 3.730 ⟶ 3.770:
if utilities.is_set (PostScript) and PostScript ~= sepc then
text = safe_join( {text, sepc}, sepc ); -- Deals with italics, spaces, etc.
text = text:sub(1, -sepc:len() - 1);
Line 3.802 ⟶ 3.842:
table.insert (maint, v); -- maint msg is the category name
table.insert (maint, ' ('); -- open the link text
table.insert (maint, utilities.make_wikilinksubstitute (cfg.messages[':Category:cat wikilink'], .. {v, 'link'})); -- add the link
table.insert (maint, ')'); -- and close it
table.insert (maint_msgs, table.concat (maint)); -- assemble new maint message and add it to the maint_msgs table
Line 3.810 ⟶ 3.850:
if not no_tracking_cats then
for _, v in ipairs( z.error_categories ) do -- append error categories
table.insert (render, utilities.make_wikilinksubstitute (cfg.messages['Category:cat wikilink'], .. {v}));
for _, v in ipairs( z.maintenance_cats ) do -- append maintenance categories
table.insert (render, utilities.make_wikilinksubstitute (cfg.messages['Category:cat wikilink'], .. {v}));
for _, v in ipairs( z.properties_cats ) do -- append properties categories
table.insert (render, utilities.make_wikilinksubstitute (cfg.messages['Category:cat wikilink'], .. {v}));
elseif 'nocat' == A:ORIGIN('NoTracking') then -- peculiar special case; can't track nocat without tracking nocat
table.insert (render, utilities.make_wikilink ('Category:Mirëmbajtja CS1: Është përdorur nocat')); -- hand-set this category because it is supposed to be temporary
Line 4.042 ⟶ 4.080:
if not utilities.is_set (error_text) then -- couldn't match with a pattern, is there an expicitexplicit suggestion?
if suggestions.suggestions[ k:lower() ] ~= nil then
error_text, error_state = utilities.set_message ( 'err_parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, suggestions.suggestions[ k:lower() ]}, true );
Line 4.085 ⟶ 4.123:
return table.concat ({citation0( config, args),
frame:extensionTag ('templatestyles', '', {src=styles})});,
citation0( config, args)