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- 17 maj 2023 01:59 Gani Gashi1234 diskuto kontributecreated faqe Përdoruesi:Gani Gashi1234/sandbox (Faqe e re: '''Gani Gashi''' (born 27 February , 1944 ) is a Modern Kosovo Painter who lives and works as a freelance painter. == Quotes of Gashi == A bird is met almost continually in the graphic-pictorial realizations of arts/projecta a castle/Albanian historical memory/is a castle/fortess of the Illyrian queen Teutaand kings Agron//harmony is created together with a conflict of colours/forms and compositional /art is called form and content/the inteligible/res...)
- 16 maj 2023 20:31 Llogaria e përdoruesit Gani Gashi1234 diskuto kontribute u krijua automatikisht